Reset a forgotten password on your dreambox

If you have forget the pass of your dreambox here is how to reset it saving the need to reflash.

1) Install and run TuxBox Commander plugin via your images download manager

2) Choose directory to edit=var/etc/passwd

3) Remove the encrypted password.

--> ATTENTION !!!! THE PASSWD file only !!! NOT the passwd- be careful you dont choose passwd-

3.1) In the file /etc/passwd is the line:
root:b:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh or something as !!!
root:ililililinsatshares:0:0:root:/roo t:/bin/sh

3.2) the password field is the b or the encripted string ililililinsatshares

3.3) Delete the b or the string the line now is:root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh for the DM500

if you are using another DM keep the root as it is you must delete ONLY the string.

4) Save the file and exit

5) Telnet to your DB with root user without password

6) Create a new root password with the command : " passwd "

7) Reboot and password is sucsessfully changed.

Incase this plugin is not available through your images plugin manager i will put it in the downloads section here.To install it ftp to /tmp and manually install with your dm remote.

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