- Getting OSCAM
OSCAM is distributed from the main SVN repository. Currently there are no official source code releases. Precompiled binaries for different architectures can be found in the forum. Always use the latest OSCAM SVN.
For information on how to build oscam see BuildingOscam page.
- Download: Source Repository
You can get OSCam source code from SVN, using the following command:
svn checkout http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/oscam/trunk oscam-svn
Older OSCam versions are also available from SVN. To get the source code for version 1.10 (or 1.00), just do:
svn checkout http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/oscam/tags/1.10 oscam-1.10 svn checkout http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/oscam/tags/1.00 oscam-1.00
Note that this versions are very old and UNSUPPORTED.
- Update: Source Repository
- Binaries build from the latest SVN
Latest trend-setting trunk versions can be downloaded in the forum.
- Old binaries
Tag version 1.00 can be downloaded in the forum. The complete binary package is no longer available on UMP. You must search for revision 3146.
Tag version 0.99.4a can be downloaded here.